DX Radio DX News - October 1998

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in October 1998.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

October 26, 1998

Propagation - Fair number of meteor pings - nothing ID'd yet though. I'be got plenty of Italian language bursts on 87.7, John Faulkner gets Fun Radio, Bratislava on 87.7.

October 25, 1998

1998 Logbook - I've updated the Skywaves 1998 cumulative logbook up to the current (October) issue of Skywaves. It now runs to 35 pages!!

October 21, 1998

Propagation - Tunisia left on RDS display sometime before 1200.

pre12  87.6 TUN Inter Prgm       (unattended reception)                 INTER___       MH

October 20, 1998

Propagation - Italy left on RDS display sometime between 1230-1545.

12-15  87.6  I  RAI-1            (unattended reception)                 RAI_MF1_       MH

October 18, 1998

Propagation - First trans-Atlantic MW reception here this autumn. A lot of channels with carriers, but most not discernible.

0605  1180  WHAM Rochester NY  OM DJ with pop                                   weak   MH
0615  1130  WBBR New York NY   ad, ID, talk abt interest rates, .26 sport nx    fair   MH
0620   780  un-id              Spanish lang DJ and music                        fair   MH

October 17, 1998

WWW - The British FM & TV Circle are moving their website to Freeserve.

October 13, 1998

Station Lists - The CSDXC used to post online listings of Czech and Slovak FM stations. But these lists seem to have been taken off-line - the server now returns a "Page Not Found" error. Hence, after some work in Virtual PC, loading up IE 4.0 and Microsoft's East European language kit, here are PDF's of the listings as of June 1998.

Czech FM list and Slovak FM list.

You'll need Acrobat Reader 3.0, and they're both about 144 kb in size. On-screen they're not too hot, but they do print fine. If anyone has ArialCE font for Windows, it'd help me.

RDS - I've slightly reworked the UK RDS pages ... please check to see that your local stations are correctly listed. Please me with corrections.

October 12, 1998

QSL - Emmanuel Hatzikostas (SV1COD) in Athens Greece wrote to me to update my QSL 97-12 page, saying that he's now retired as Station Manager for SXA24. He has a webpage too at http://users.hol.gr/~sv1cod/

October 10, 1998

Skywaves - issue 31 mailed this morning to subscribers. The online edition is available too, but only to subscribers at present. If you are a member and haven't received an email telling you of the download page, email Skywaves.

October 4, 1998

Skywaves - Added the February 98 issue in PDF format. Check out the download page.

October 3, 1998

UK Clubs - The Medium Wave Circle has registered its own domain-name. Hence their website is now www.mwcircle.org. I've updated my list of UK clubs appropriately.

October 2, 1998

Skywaves - Posted April 98 issue in PDF format. Check out the download page. I'm trying to get as many back issues on-line as I can as time permits. Comments please.

October 1, 1998

RSL - Andy Johnson sent me the URL for Radio Hertford's website

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